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What Are the Symptoms of COVID-19?

By staying informed and socially aware you help us fight against the virus and keep your family safe


People start experiencing the great urge to cough. Usually, the cough is dry.

Sore Throat

The pain is not sharp, yet it causes a dry cough. It may be hard to swallow.

Shortness of Breath

You are not able to take a deep breath because of extremely sharp lung pain.


People start experiencing fever in 4-5 days. Prior to this, you just feel weak.


People start experiencing the great urge to cough. Usually, the cough is dry.

Sore Throat

The pain is not sharp, yet it causes a dry cough. It may be hard to swallow.

Shortness of Breath

You are not able to take a deep breath because of extremely sharp lung pain.


People start experiencing fever in 4-5 days. Prior to this, you just feel weak.
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Voici mes horaires de consultation :

  • Mar-Mer-Jeu : 10h0 – 19h00
  • Vendredi: 9h30 –  13h30
  • Samedi : groupes et ateliers
  • Le lundi et le vendredi après-midi, le cabinet est utilisé par ma collaboratrice et sa patientèle. 

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